

Take control of shelf life and item expiration dates seamlessly.


flexibility in multiple units of measures (UOMs) for versatile transactions.


Ensure stock accuracy through meticulous reconciliations and quality inspections.


Prevent stock shortages with an intelligent auto-reorder system.


Harness the power of barcodes, serial numbers, and batches for comprehensive erp stock management.

quick Inquiry

Purchase Receipts

Effortlessly streamline your procurement process with the system's capability to generate purchase receipts in a single click. Inventory management software simplifies the recording of incoming goods, ensuring accuracy and transparency in your inventory management.

Stock Reconciliation

The system simplifies stock reconciliation tasks, guaranteeing precise inventory control. By efficiently matching physical stock with recorded stock levels, businesses can maintain an accurate inventory record and prevent discrepancies.

Serial Numbers

Maintain meticulous records of item serial numbers within the system. This meticulous tracking enhances precision in inventory management, aiding in compliance with regulatory requirements and ensuring transparent product tracing.

Items Groups

Enhance organization and management by efficiently categorizing items into multiple groups based on specific criteria. This feature streamlines product management and simplifies product retrieval, making it a valuable asset for businesses dealing with diverse product lines.

Delivery Notes

Improve order fulfillment efficiency with the instant generation of delivery notes in a single click. This feature ensures that all deliveries are well-documented, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction.

Item Variants

Cater to diverse customer preferences by exploring a wide variety of item variants with different attributes. This feature allows businesses to provide tailored solutions, addressing unique customer needs effectively.

Delivery Trips

Erp stock management Optimize delivery operations by recording customer deliveries within a single vehicle. This feature includes tagging for enhanced logistics management, simplifying route planning and ensuring efficient and cost-effective delivery.

Packing Slips

Utilize comprehensive packing slips to list items in each shipment, providing clear documentation for delivered goods. This systematic documentation ensures transparency and minimizes errors in the delivery process.

Batch Numbers

Effectively group units of an item with unique batch numbers for efficient tracking and traceability. This feature is crucial for businesses dealing with items subject to quality control or specific production batches.

Landed Costs

Make informed financial decisions by accurately calculating the final total cost, which includes shipping, customs, taxes, insurance, and currency conversion fees. Understanding these landed costs is essential for pricing decisions and cost control.

Purchase Returns

Manage product returns for various reasons with the system, ensuring a seamless and customer-focused returns process. A well-managed returns process not only enhances customer satisfaction but also builds trust and loyalty.


All Of The Reports Listed Below Are Included In ERP Stock Module. Besides That, Reports Can Be Customized In Order To Meet The Requirements.


Stock Ledger Report


Stock Balance Report


Stock Projected Quantity Report


Stock Summary


Stock Ageing Report


Item Price Stock Report


Item-wise Price List Rate Report


Warehouse Wise Stock Balance Report


Stock Analytics Report


Delivery Note Trends Report


Purchase Receipt Trends Report


Sales Order Analysis Report


Purchase Order Analysis Report


Item Shortage Report Report


Batch-Wise Balance History Report


Stock Quantity vs Serial No Count Report


Requested Items To Be Transferred Report


Batch Item Expiry Status Report


Item Prices Report


Item Variant Details Report


Subcontracted Item To Be Received Report


Item wise Recommended Reorder Level Report


Subcontracted Raw Materials To Be Transferred Report